Don’t Stop…Get It, Get It!

   The older I get, the more I introspect (and the more I annoy those closest to me- sowwy). The more I introspect, the more I understand who I am…and more importantly, who I am NOT. I’m kind of a doer, definitely an idea person, but not that great of an executor. I’m a dreamer, and a believer, but sadly, not the toughest of chicks. I’m not great at math or geography, and for the most part I suck at responding to text messages in a timely manner. But at 31 years old hot, what has become the most glaringly apparent is that I will forever be a “changer”…a person who yearns for self growth, and will never stop “wanting” for more.

   That last sentence is the kicker, and definitely one of the harder pills that I’ve had to swallow. And as grateful as I am for all that the universe has given me (hashtag blessed, hashtag so lucky), I have to admit that I will probably never be 100% “content” with what I have.
   But before you go feeling all sorry for me, or thinking I’m a total douche, here’s my latest shower epiphany….
    Wanting doesn’t make me (or you, my one loyal reader) a bad person. “Wanting” is a driving force that pushes us forward, and propels us towards whatever our little hearts feel will make us happy (even if that happiness is fleeting).

   Simply put: If we stop wanting, we stop doing. And for me, that’s not an option.
   Some people are happy being “content”. They do just enough to get by, exist safely within their comfort zones, and love, but never deeply enough to risk getting hurt. “Content” is their “Happy”. If you’re happy being content, you do you!
   But for those of you, like me, who will literally die if you stop moving forward, be prepared. Prepare to be uncomfortable on the regular. Prepare yourself for that sick, anxious feeling in your stomach every time you start to desire something new/different and fear you may not be able to obtain/achieve it. Prepare for the inevitable feelings of self doubt, and make a conscious effort to drown out the voices of those who say you can’t. Surround yourself with positive people, who look forward to meeting all of the “new Yous”. Give your heart to someone who wants to change with you, daily (shout out to my main boo!). And above all else be prepared to accept that happiness is not a constant. To expect that you will one day stumble upon your “happy”, kick up your feet, and finally relax, is to set yourself up for great failure.
   Your mission, should you chose to have the balls, is to simply enjoy what us hippy-folk like to call “The Journey”. Try to relax (if it’s in your nature), and acknowledge that there is value in always changing, and growing, and wanting. Just keep moving, reading, introspecting, and surrounding yourself with like-minded peeps. Prepare to kick ass, because you will..and I guarantee that you will find lots and lots of “happy” along the way!

Peace, Love, Properties…oh, and Pretty Things 😉

– “Create Luck”